Ending Your Studies at De Anza

If you're an F-1 Visa student and you are completing your studies, deciding to leave De Anza College at any time, or transferring to another institution, you must notify the ISP office by submitting either the Exit Form or the ISP Transfer Out Form listed on the Student Forms webpage.


Before Submitting the Exit Form or the ISP Transfer Out Form

  • If you are transferring to another institution, you must be fully admitted by the school or university where you intend to transfer. "Conditional admission" is not sufficient.
  • If you are transferring out from De Anza to another institution, please do not submit the ISP Transfer Out Form if you are still waiting for the admission decision from another school or university.
  • If you do not meet the conditions specified by the new school, they could rescind your admission. 

Submit These Documents

Please submit the following documents to your assigned immigration adviser if you are

Leaving De Anza without completing your program goal

  • Completed Exit Form
  • Copy of airline ticket 

Leaving De Anza after earning a degree

  • Completed Exit Form
  • Copy of degree application or DegreeWorks audit
  • Copy of airline ticket if you are leaving or have left the United States

If you are transferring and earning a degree, please follow the instructions under Transferring to Another Institution

Transferring to another institution  

  • Completed the ISP Transfer Out Form
  • Acceptance letter
  • Transfer Form (only if you were given one from the school - not required from SJSU)

In addition to the required documents listed above, you will need to complete the following steps if you are transferring to another institution:

  • Send Final Official Transcript to new school. You can order transcripts through My Portal under Student Registration > My Records > Order De Anza Official Transcript.
  • Submit General Education (GE) Certification Request to De Anza Admissions and Records Office if you completed IGETC or CSU GE. If you are using secondary school transcripts to complete Area 6 (Language Other Than English) on IGETC, attach a copy of your secondary school transcript.
  • Check your email for instructions from your new university. You will likely need to submit documents and attend an orientation before Fall classes begin.

Transfer Out and Traveling Abroad in Summer

If you plan to travel over the summer, you will need an I-20 from your transfer school to reenter the U.S. Please contact your new school to ensure you receive a new I-20 in time to return for the fall.

Your Immigration Adviser  

Advisers are assigned by the first letter of your last (family) name:

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