General Meeting Information

Date: May 20, 2024
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader

    I. Call to Order


    Voting and Associate members joining us online, please turn your cameras on and add "VM" to your zoom name to help identify you to the public.

    I All
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from May 13th, 2024 I/D/A All

    Public Comment

    I All

    II. Consent Calendar


    Approval of Consent Calendar (Attachment)

    I/D/A Guitron

    III. Needs and Confirmations


    District and College Needs (Attachment)

    • District Academic Senate President
    • Curriculum Co-Chair
    • COOL Committee
    • Tenure Review At-Large Representatives
    • AS Scholarship/Award Committee members
    • EO Representatives for Hiring Committees
    • ASCCC OER Liaison
    • Due Process Pool for Tenure Review Committees (2024-25)
    I/D Guitron


    I/D/A Guitron

    IV. New & Continuing Business


    Report from DASG

    I/D Woodbury

    Review of AP/BP 5110

    CCLC AP 5110
    CCLC BP 5110
    Current BP 5065 Counseling
    Current BP 6210 Philosophy of Counseling Program

    I/D/A Woodbury
    3:00-3:30 I/D/A Woodbury

    Report from GE Committee: Proposal for Approval by Senate

    GE Proposal Presentation

    Revised GE Advisement Sheet

    I/D/A Woodbury

    Affordable Housing Update

    Survey Link:






    Good of the Order

    I All



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    I. Call to Order


    The meeting reached a quorum at 2:29 pm. Erik Woodbury welcomed everyone to the meeting.

    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from May 13th, 2024

    No objections. Agenda and minutes unanimously approved.

    Public Comment 

    Erik Woodbury reminded everyone that the Senate will not meet next Monday to observe Memorial Day.

    Kim Palmore raised concerns over the new Vice Chancellor of Organizational Effectiveness and Engagement position. This position was approved in the last board meeting. The search for this interim position will start soon. The cost of more than $300,000 for this position will likely be funded by the B-budget. This money is needed to pay for classes to be cut. She urged people from both campuses to show up together at the next board meeting on June 10 to oppose this expenditure. This is an equity issue. We've got to all show up. 

    .Erik Woodbury: There will be a special board meeting tomorrow to resolve a previous legal issue.

    II. Consent Calendar

    Approval of Consent Calendar (Attachment)
    Tenure Review Committee for Rachel Silveria F/TV Instructor 

    Vernon Gallegos, Dance/Theater Arts, resplaces Rocky Lewycky

    Kristin Skager, Interim Dean, Creative Arts

    Milena Grozeva-Levy, Film/Television

    Phase III, no At-Large Rep needed

    COOL Committee Representative

    Amy Leonard replaces Shagun Kaur as the Language Arts Representative 

    Cheryl Balm moved to approve the Consent Calendar, Mary Pape seconded. No objections. Changes approved.

    III. Needs and Confirmation

    District and College Needs (Attachment)

    Patty Guitron lifted up especially the need for the Curriculum Co-Chair, Tenure Review At-Large Representatives, and the ASCCC OERI Liaison

    See the above attachment for details on those and other positions. To apply for these positions, fill out the Request to Serve form on the Senate website. Someone suggested including the request to serve links to the agenda with the needs.

    • District Academic Senate President
    • Curriculum Co-Chair
    • COOL Committee
    • Tenure Review At-Large Representatives
    • AS Scholarship/Award Committee members
    • EO Representatives for Hiring Committees
    • ASCCC OERI Liaison
    • Due Process Pool for Tenure Review Committees (2024-25)

    Faculty may earn PGA or release time for serving in some of these positions. There was a question about the rationale for their determination. This topic could come back to the Senate as a discussion item or a specific resolution. Contact the officers with suggestions for the next step.

    Academic Senate General Election

    At-large Part-Time Representative, one position

    The deadline for nomination was extended to Friday, May 24.

    There was a question regarding compensation for part-time faculty serving in the Senate. At-large part-time representatives receive a $300 stipend per quarter. Part-time faculty representing their divisions are not compensated.

    According to the current By-Law

    “Part-time faculty serving as senators should consult their division deans regarding compensation.”

    IV. New & Continuing Business

    Report from DASG
    DASG Updates:

    - There was a brief presentation about affordable student housing

    - Chief Acosta came to speak about tasers

    - Revised the 2024 - 25 La Voz Budget Stipulations

    Reach out to the DASG student reps for more details.

    Review of AP/BP 5110

    CCLC AP 5110

    CCLC BP 5110

    Current BP 5065 Counseling

    Current BP 6210 Philosophy of Counseling Program

    A group of counselors from De Anza and Foothill have been working on the much needed updates for over a year, since last winter quarter. The AP and BP  have been reviewed and approved by counselors at both colleges. Since these counselors are the experts in the field, it was suggested that these be approved at the first read.

    Sherwin Mendoza moved to approve, Cheryl Balm seconded. No objections. Approved.

    Governance Updates (First Read)



    The Senate finished the first read of the Constitutions updates last week. They continued this week with the first read of the proposed updates to the By-laws. The reading ended at the duties and job descriptions for the officers.

    Shagun Kaur pointed out that the District Academic Senate job description and the selection process for its President do not appear in the De Anza Senate Constitution or By-Laws. She also asked about the tradition that rotates its presidency between the two colleges.

    Erik Woodbury: The District Academic Senate does not have a Constitution or By-Laws. They are currently working on a draft. The governing document will define the eligibility and process for selecting its officers. Their rules should not go onto the De Anza Senate By-laws. With regards to the tradition of appointing the District Senate President, it depends on how far one goes back to find the tradition. Paul Setziol served as District President several years in a row.

    There is a call to serve for that position. There is no applicant from De Anza. Anyone interested in serving as District Senate President should apply to get on the ballot for appointment. Foothill will be selecting their nominee next week.

    Erik went over the update duties for the officers in the De Anza Be-laws. He noted that the Duties of the Vice President of Curriculum was copied from the previous job description of the Curriculum Co-chair.

    Discussion proceeded to the Duties of Senators and the new section on training activities or orientation for first time senators, especially on the responsibilities for the mentor with regards to the mentee. Instead of more rules and regulations, the intent was to empower new senators to engage and participate. The section in red was revised  and clarified with much input and suggestions from those in the meeting.

    Under “Act as a guide to help navigate and understand meeting norms and processes” someone suggested having a guide to “parliamentary procedure” and “how to take notes and send them to their division.”

    There were discussions and explanations regarding the attendance policy and requirement, especially online attendance from within district boundaries to count toward quorum. Also, voting members must notify the Officers the location of their remote attendance to be counted. They may still zoom in as a guest, participate but do not vote.

    The Senate voted in the above rules to encourage voting members to attend in compliance with the Brown Act and to respect those who invent their time to attend. The Senate had an incident last year when a meeting had to be canceled due to the lack of a quorum. There were faculty who drove to campus just for the meeting.

    Erik lifted up his appreciation for Marc Coronado who attends as a friendly representative for IIS. The division does not have anyone to attend in person or from within district boundaries. Marc faithfully participates and reports back to her division.

    Felisa asked about the option for proxy voting.

    Cheryl  Balm explained the reasons for the Senate to be strongly opposed to proxy voting. She described the detrimental effect it may have to the decision process when someone who has not been part of the conversation to come and simply vote as they were told.

    Veronica suggested having stipulation for exceptions during emergencies that prevent someone from attending in person and can attend online. Someone pointed out the challenge for anyone to determine which emergency is valid for an exception. People may still attend and participate online but do not vote. If the emergency persists, they may wish to step down for a while and be fully present with their emergency situation.

    Next meeting, they will go through and approve the changes in red one by one. They will focus first on the Constitution since the amendments have to be ratified by the entire Senate body in the upcoming General Election.

    Report from GE Committee: Proposal for Approval by Senate

    GE Proposal Presentation

    Revised GE Advisement Sheet

    This was the second discussion on the proposal from the GE Committee on changes to the GE pattern for De Anza Associate Degrees. The purpose of the updates was to align with Title 5 revisions and Cal-GETC standards. The proposal also maintained local requirements, like ICS and ESGC

    Shagun Kaur: her department, Communication Studies, was extremely worried and baffled by the proposal to combine Oral Communication and Critical Thinking into one area (1B) with 5 units. The current GE pattern has it labeled separately under A2 and A3 for 5 units each. They felt very strongly about the misalignment of bundling Oral Communication and Critical Thinking, 2 very different but equally important categories into one.

    What are the options for Senate: 

    • accept the proposal, 
    • make changes to the proposal,
    • refer the proposal back to the committee.

    Shagun motioned to refer the proposal back to the GE committee with respect to area 1B to split that area back up. Mary Pape seconded. 

    There was discussion and clarification on the Title 5 requirements and how other colleges are applying the rules. Also, discussion on how the GE pattern and requirements may impact student success and enrollment.

    It was suggested that Catherina, Erik, and Shagun should have a conversation outside on the subject. Title 5 does include English composition, oral communication, and critical thinking. Title 5 sets the minimum unit at 8, but one could go above it.

    The timeline is to approve the proposal by the next meeting, June 3, in 2 weeks.

    Shagun withdrew her motion to refer the recommendation back to the GE committee

    Affordable Housing Update

    Survey Link:

    Mark Landefeld and Eric Reed gave an update on affordable housing.

    In the last board meeting, the board directed the district to go ahead with employee housing at Foothill and student housing near De Anza. No sites have been identified near De Anza. However, the Brailsford & Dunlavey Feasibility Study identified a potential location for student housing on De Anza campus. That is next to the site under discussion for the Medical Center. 

    The board will discuss funding for the construction in the next board meeting. There is the $200 million Measure G bond allocation. Also, the P3 Public-Private Partnership where an outside firm would be engaged to help finance the project. The Volz P3 Information powerpoint provides a detailed overview of the P3 structure, characteristics, implementation, impact, potential risks, and potential support.

    The task force expressed concerns over the potential threat for the housing fund to be tapped for urgent infrastructure needs at De Anza. Erik was assured that there will not be an open season on the housing money.

    The task force has prepared a survey to share information and gather input on affordable housing.

    Felisa asked if the potential on campus site would compete with the medical center project. The footprints do not overlap. However, the construction of two different facilities could create some problems with  utilities.

    Eric Reed: Special task force meeting this Friday to discuss the Public Private Partnership (3P).

    Good of the Order

    Cheryl Balm motioned, Mary Pape seconded, to adjourn, no objection.

    In person

    Erik Woodbury, Patty Guitron, So Kam Lee

    Veronica Avila Acevedo, Cheryl Balm, *Sam Bliss,  Kevin Glapion, Lauren Gordon, Rusty Johnson, Shagun Kaur,  Sherwin Mendoza, Lisa Mesh, Anna Nguyen, Mary Pape, Jayanti Roy, Lakshmikanta "LK" Sengupta, Rachel Silveria, Leah Smith, Li Wei Sun, James Tallent, Felisa Vilaubi, Catherina Wong


    Mirsaeid Abolghasemi, *Ian Ang, Mary Donahue, Cecilia Hui, Mark Landefeld, Jamie Pelusi, Ravjeet Singh


    *Deborah Armstrong, *Sean Hendrata, Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa, Glynn Wallis

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 827 6323 9453
Passcode: 275329

Member   Remote Location   In District?  
Mary Donahue (PT) MLC 243, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes
Mirsaeid Abolghasemi 101 W.Weddell Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Yes
Cecilia Hui 1230 S Blaney Ave, San Jose, CA 95129 Yes
Mark Landefeld PE 51A, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes
Ravjeet Singh F 21M, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014

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