General Meeting Information

Date: May 13, 2024
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader

    I. Call to Order


    Voting and Associate members joining us online, please turn your cameras on and add "VM" to your zoom name to help identify you to the public.

    (Please complete your report out if you haven't already)

    I All
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from May 6th, 2024 I/D/A All

    Public Comment

    I All

    II. Consent Calendar


    Approval of Consent Calendar (Attachment)

    I/D/A Guitron

    III. Needs and Confirmations


    District and College Needs (Attachment)

    • Curriculum Co-Chair
    • COOL Committee
    • Tenure Review At-Large Representatives
    • AS Scholarship Committee members
    • EO Representatives for Hiring Committees
    • ASCCC Representatives -- Common Course Numbering
    • District Academic Senate President
    I/D Guitron


    I/D/A Guitron

    IV. New & Continuing Business


    Measure G: Report Out from May FHDA Board Meeting
    Board Website

    I/D Woodbury

    • Update on the ZTC work happening in the college
    • New grant opportunities
    • OER Liaison Request
    I/D Kaur

    Report from GE Committee: Proposal for Approval by Senate

    GE Proposal Presentation

    Revised GE Advisement Sheet

    I/D Wong
    3:40-4:00 I/D/A Woodbury
    4:00-4:15 I/D/A Woodbury

    Good of the Order

    Please review all report out

    I All



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    I. Call to Order


    Erik reminded representatives to fill out their report out .

    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from May 6th, 2024

    No changes to the minutes and agenda.  Agenda and minutes approved.

    No Public Comment

    Approval of Consent Calendar (Attachment)

    ASCCC Common Course Numbering Representatives for the following:

    • #1 COMM 110 (COMM1/10) Shagun Kaur
    • #2 ENGL 100 (EWRT 1A/ESL 5) Anne Argyriou
    • #3 ENGL 105 (EWRT 2) Anne Argyriou
    • #4 POLS 10 (POLI 1) Jim Nguyen
    • #5 MATH 110 (MATH 10) Cheryl Balm
    • #6 PSY 110 (PSYC 1) Mark Healy

    Jayanti Roy moved to approve the consent calendar, Ravjeet Singh seconded. No objections. Approved.

    III. Needs and Confirmation

    District and College Needs (Attachment)

    Patty Guitron lifted up the need for tenure review at-large representatives. The goal was to have the tenure review committees set up in the spring quarter so they will be ready to go when school starts in the fall. 

    Also, the need for Academic Senate Vice President in the fall when Patty goes on PLD. 

    Erik pointed out the critical need for a curriculum co-chair. Without someone in that position the curriculum committee will not function. Without that committee, curriculum work will not get done. Please reach out to people who might want to serve.

    • Curriculum Co-Chair
    • COOL Committee
    • Tenure Review At-Large Representatives
    • AS Scholarship Committee members
    • EO Representatives for Hiring Committees
    • District Academic Senate President

    No Confirmations

    IV. New & Continuing Business

    Measure G: Report Out from May FHDA Board Meeting

    Board Website

    The board meeting lasted a long time, from 6 pm to 10:45 pm. The reason for it being so long was due to the public comment Measure G. There were 50 to 100 people from Foothill. Many spoke in support of funding for their dental hygiene building, a critical need for a valuable program.

    Erik Woodbury, Janet Shaw, Isabel Caballero Teixeira and several people spoke on behalf of De Anza.

    There was a lot of discussion over the reallocation of the $75 million originally budgeted for the Event Center. The previous proposal distributed $50 million to De Anza with specific designation for its use. $25 million to Foothill with $5 million for ETS, and $20 million for a project of their choosing (the dental hygiene program.)

    At the end of the long discussion, there was a proposal that failed. Eventually, the board passed a proposal that gave $55 million to De Anza without spending direction/restrictions, $20 million to Foothill, with the understanding that $200 million currently set aside for the housing project be available in the event that emergency needs arose with respect to infrastructure.

    Eric Reed, Affordable Housing Taskforce, will be on the agenda to speak to the Senate next week.

    The outcome presents a lot of opportunities and a lot of work ahead.

    That was great. What is next? People need to show up and step up. They acknowledged all the work the Measure G Task Force has done and would very much like them involved with moving forward.

    Since the bond was approved in Spring 2020, the district has spent 4% of the total amount.

    Mary Pape pointed out that the significance of the board decision was not just money. It was the acknowledgement and respect for De Anza as a college and the needs of its students. She especially expressed her appreciation for how Erik spoke on behalf of every faculty and employee at De Anza.

    Erik Woodbury acknowledged the work others have done, especially the Measure G Task Force.

    Christina Espinosa-Pieb described how this decision and Erik’s speech lifted the spirit for everyone. The whole process has been discouraging for the Task Force. People were starting to lose hope. She especially appreciated how Trustee Pearl Cheng questioned why the proposal specified how De Anza would use the money while Foothill may use the money for their preference. Then, Trustee Patrick Ahrens insisted that they need to let De Anza decide how they use the money. 

    Erik sent an email to the Measure G Task Force. That was followed by an email from Sam Bliss.

    Christina read that email because it beautifully expressed exactly how everyone on the senior staff was feeling after that meeting.

    “Erik humbly omits his own substantive contributions last night. 

    I want you all to know that Erik made an appeal last night that helped turn the tide. He spoke eloquently. He challenged the board. He noted the indignity and faithlessness in the process that you all have felt and he did so in a way that both challenged everyone in the room intellectually.

    It was impressive. It was successful. It was the articulated combination of everything that you have felt and the strength of all of your efforts was at the core of his appeal.

    I know that you have felt diminished and disregarded. But last night, Erik strategically weaponized your efforts in a rather stately way.Your efforts through his voice made a difference, a big difference. 

    I appreciate you all and I commend you, Erik. This was a big moment and you stepped up to it. Let's get to work.”

    Their next step will be to  reach out to the task force that spent some much time on their proposal to discuss to move forward. Then, invite others to join in the conversation. They will move quickly to make decision.

    Lydia Hearn clarified that they have built in money for infrastructure. 

    The Medical Center was not on the agenda. Erik will keep people informed regarding any progress.

    The decision on affordable housing was on locations. Foothill campus for employee housing. Student housing, offsite, near De Anza campus.

    Someone asked about the board minutes. The board meeting has not posted any minutes for over a year.  It is the responsibility of the Chancellor's office.

    Update on the ZTC work happening in the college

    Shagun Kaur, Communication Studies, ZTC Grants Coordinator gave a Presentation on the history and opportunities for OER and ZTC on De Anza campus. De Anza has had a history of supporting OER and ZTC work ensuring that the courses were marked accurately as “low cost” and  “zero cost” on the course schedule for the last 5 to 6 years.

    As the ZTC grants coordinator, she was to report to the Academic Senate what they have been doing and to solicit feedback on how they could  do better.

    In the Budget Act of 2021-22, the Legislature appropriated $115 million, one-time funding to the ZTC program to reduce the overall cost of education and decrease the time to completion for California community college students. 

    De Anza received an $180,000 Implementation Grant. They have been working on a  Zero Textbook Cost Math Transfer Degree Pathway. By F25, Math will be a Zero Cost degree for students at De Anza College. She acknowledged those who worked on this in slide 8

    A $150,000 Acceleration Grant is being used on a Zero Textbook Cost Kinesiology Transfer Degree Pathway. By F26, Kinesiology will be a Zero Cost degree for students at De Anza College. This involves a total of 6 classes across three departments.

    There are other acceleration grants in the works. (See slides for more details.)

    New grant opportunities: There is currently $66.5 million remaining to be allocated to colleges for the ZTC Degree Grant program.

    Acceleration II grant, $200k per eligible program. Deadline: Dec 16, 2024

    Impact Grant $200K per eligible program Support high impact programs that benefit larger numbers of students at the institution. They include

    Admin of Justice, Anthropology, Art History, Biology, Business, Economics, English, History, Humanities, Journalism

    OER Expansion Grants. Each course, up to $20,000.

    Shagun encouraged people to communicate the work and opportunities to colleagues. Also, to reach out to those who may be interested. Also, to get involved themslvees.

    OER Liaison Request

    Serve as advocates by taking an active role in increasing local OER awareness, adoption, and support. See slide 15 for job description and compensation.

    Many thanked Shagun for her hard work.

    Report from GE Committee: Proposal for Approval by Senate

    GE Proposal Presentation

    Revised GE Advisement Sheet

    Catherina Wong went over Proposed Changes to GE for Associate degrees. The changes were made for compliance with the final revisions to Title 5 and alignment with Cal-GETC. Their approach is to comply with Title 5 but maintain the extra De Anza local degree requirements.

    The proposed updates are:

    1. Update GE areas numerically and topically .
    2. Add area 2: Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning.
    3. Add area 6: Ethnic Studies.
    4. Maintain ICS grad req: Require an extra ICS course from area 3, 4 or 7.
    5. Maintain and Relabel area E Physical-Mental Wellness & Personal Development toarea 7.
    6. Retain ESGC grad req.
    7. Reciprocity with Cal-GETC

    The De Anza local degrees require more classes/units than the transfer degree. Some students opted not to take the local degree. Some students wanted to have both.

    How may this affect the number of degrees students will complete?

    Governance Updates 

    The proposed updates are marked in red.

    Constitution (Second Read)

    This was discussed last week.

    By-Laws (First Read)

    There were questions and discussion over the addition to the Executive Committee, a voting seat for the Faculty Chair of the Committee On Online Learning (or designee). Some thought it important for them to have a voice, especially post COVID. There were also questions and discussion on the type of training and mentorship for new, incoming senators.

    Updates to AP/BP 2410 (second read)


    BP 2410

    AP 2410

    Cheryl Balm moved to approve the updates, Shagun Kaur seconded. No objection. Updates approved.

    Good of the Order

    Cheryl Balm, PSME:

    Our beloved administrative assistant Cathleen is retiring in 2 weeks.  If you know and love her as much as we do, stop by and say bye to her before May 24 .

    Please review all report out


    Cheryl Balm motioned, Ravjeet Singh seconded, to adjourn, no objection.

    In person

    Erik Woodbury, Patty Guitron, So Kam Lee

    Veronica Avila Acevedo, *Ian Ang, Cheryl Balm, Sam Bliss,  Kevin Glapion, Lauren Gordon, Mark Hamer, *Sean Hendrata, Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa, Rusty Johnson, Shagun Kaur, Mark Landefeld, Sherwin Mendoza, Lisa Mesh, Anna Nguyen, Mary Pape, Jayanti Roy, Lakshmikanta "LK" Sengupta, Leah Smith, Ravjeet Singh, James Tallent, Felisa Vilaubi, Catherina Wong


    Mirsaeid Abolghasemi, Mary Donahue, Cecilia Hui, Liliana Rivera


    *Deborah Armstrong, Li Wei Sun, Glynn Wallis

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 827 6323 9453
Passcode: 275329

Member   Remote Location   In District?  
Mary Donahue (PT) MLC 243, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes
Mirsaeid Abolghasemi 101 W.Weddell Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Yes
Cecilia Hui 1230 S Blaney Ave, San Jose, CA 95129 Yes
Liliana Rivera LCW 102, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes

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