Recent and Upcoming Events

UCLA Transfer Event

  • Thursday, Aug. 1
  • 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

This summer event for prospective UCLA transfer students is hosted by UCLA Bruin Underground Scholars and the Center for Community College Partnerships. Community college students who were previously incarcerated or impacted by the criminal justice system are welcome to join us for

  • Campus tour
  • Campus resources
  • Community lunch

Webinar: Power2TheTransfer

  • Friday, Aug. 9
  • 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

The Power2TheTransfer webinar is an online event for community college students who were previously incarcerated or impacted by the criminal justice system. You will learn how to navigate the community college system and transfer to the University of California or other universities.

For questions, please contact Adan Perez at or Yridia Ayvar at 

Previous Events

Searching for Justice – Film Screening

group watching film screening in Multicultural CenterRising Scholars hosted a film screening of the PBS NewsHour documentary “Searching for Justice: Life After Lockup” on Wednesday, March 13. The film focuses on the many challenges individuals face after incarceration, from reconnecting with family to finding work and staying out of jail.

After the screening in the Multicultural Center, a panel of students, alumni, faculty members, staff and administrators shared their experiences with the criminal justice system and discussed ways to support formerly incarcerated students. The event was co-hosted by the Equity and Engagement Division and the Office of Professional Development.

Welcome Meeting

New students and allies of the Rising Scholars program gathered for an introductory meeting on Feb. 6, 2024. 

students in group smiling
students in hallway smiling

Mark Your Calendar!

Please check back to learn about upcoming events for Rising Scholars and their allies.

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