General Meeting Information

Date: April 22, 2019
Time: 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Location: ADM 109

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:30 - 2:35 p.m. Approval of Agenda & Minutes from April 15 meeting A
    • Chow
    • All
    2:35 - 2:40 p.m. Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action) I All
    2:40 - 2:50 p.m. Needs and Confirmations I/D/A Pape
    2:50 - 3:10 p.m.

    Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Policy Proposal (3rd discussion)

    I/D/A Chow
    3:10 - 3:35 p.m.

    Institutional Metrics and Equity Plan with Vision For Success Goals Drafts:

    See links here to drafts:


    3:35 - 3:45 p.m.

    Curriculum ESGC Matrix Form (1st Discussion for Approval) ESGC= Environmental Sustainability and Global Citizenship

    • Chow
    • Pape
     3:45 - 4:05 p.m.

    Administrative Policy 5010 Admissions

    • Chow
    • Pape
    4:05 - 4:25 p.m.


    • IPBT
    • Coffee Chat with Chancellor
    • Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Assessment
    • Chow
    • Pape 
    4:25 - 4:30 p.m.

    Good of the Order

    I/D All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Meeting Minutes

    Approval of Agenda & Minutes from April 15 meeting
    • Agenda approved
    • Minutes approved

    Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action)
    • Mary D- bring back hiring committee recommendations
    • Paul- Advocate report for filing is inadequate, Chief Acosta has a meeting Tuesday 2-4, MCC. This is the place to provide feedback. They are investigating alternative tools (Thomas), reports should be useful for bringing attention to students who need attention, but not for ill reasons. 
    • Illan - where are we with class cancellations, minimums, that whole conversation. Karen we have whatever has been shared from Admin. Is this what you’re asking? What influence do we have? Ishmael is overseeing the Enrollment Task Force. Updates will be coming from him. Not sure if there is a current administrator because Lori stepped down. Bob- FA is in early stages regarding what they would like to bring to negotiations. 
    • Propose classes below 14 be canceled 12 days prior to the quarter and classes below 20, 7 days prior. The request is that there is a reasonable amount of time prior to cancellation.
    • Shagun - is there an update on the add codes (Mary Pape)
    • They’re thinking about it. They think they can give add codes out as early as Wed prior. This may be a worse predicament because there may be add codes floating around, which may impact adding for others. Any additional questions/comments should be directed to Mary P.

    Needs and Confirmations
    • Lisa Castro’s (Counseling) Tenure Review Committee- Pauline Wethington (Counseling) to take the place of the retiring Rob Clem (Counseling)
    • No objections - approved

    Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Policy Proposal (3rd discussion)
    • Discussion around the topic. Committee asked for feedback from the counselors that were present. 
    • Mary D moved to approve the two recommended clarifications that have been recommended by Renee. Betty seconded. 
    • 21 in favor, no oppose no abstentions -Passed.

    Institutional Metrics and Equity Plan with Vision For Success Goals Drafts:
    • See links here to drafts:
    • For reference:
    • Cynthia- At Equity Action Council (EAC), everyone was happy with what Mallory put together. There were concerns about how the work that is being promised will be done.
    • Mary P- IPBT (Instructional Planning and Budget Team) discussing tomorrow
    • Kevin - No objections from SSPBT (Student Services Planning and Budget Team) committee
    • Classified Senate- Lorna reported that tomorrow (4/23 Tues), Mallory and Lorrie are presenting Equity Plan and Institutional Metrics to Classified Senate
    • Karen had posted in the Academic Senate agenda (above) the link to College Council’s April 25 agenda, where the 19-page Equity Plan and the Institutional Metrics are currently posted.
    • According to the College Planning Committee’s timeline shared last week at Academic Senate, the updated Equity Plan and Institutional Metrics are to be submitted to Pippa no later than April 30th at 9 am.
    • Shagun - I was surprised that OER was not included. (In actions to achieve our goals). We should have something that acknowledges the work of the OER team (library, Shagun, etc.) - added to page 6 of draft. Shagun will help draft paragraph.
    • Karen: Six factors of success should be cited and referenced in the Equity Plan to give credit to RP group’s “Six Factors of Student Success”
    • Bob S.: Aspirations and plan do not seem to match up. (Karen will follow up with Bob to see exactly where he sees discrepancies)
    • Marc: How can we impact students who apply and then do not enroll? 
    • Karen shared her experience with registration for an indoor cycling class this quarter.
    • District business practices are reviewing what happens after students apply. Betty - students currently receive an email informing them of next steps. Email is half page, and might be uninspiring for students to fully read through.
    • Marc- noticed that the Access-Enrollment goals include all women. Is the female ratio low at the college? 50.8 to 49.2 ratio. 
    • Shagun: Foothill does a good job at Welcoming students via email- almost over welcoming. Foothill figured this out much better than us. They give out a newsletter every two weeks to keep applicants abreast of latest college & A&R updates.
    • Betty -  there needs to be an additional paragraph about Counseling (?). Will draft and send to Karen. 
    • All suggestions/additions need to be sent to Karen prior to Thursday, April 25th. 
    • Karen: Senators, Please message to constituents that all faculty  and staff members who work in any programs and areas of equity should take a look at it this week and give any input to Mallory Newell. 
    • Bob S. has concern over there being only 1 institutional metric for equity and 7 towards completion agenda-related goals. Karen will review to see if these are in our current educational master plan. Cynthia - supports what Bob says. There should be at least one more equity metric added. The only one now is the course completion gap - could add access gap, degree gap. 
    • Shagun - there should be an Institutional Metric for resources. Which ones should we add? If someone would be willing to review the current equity plan to suggests adds….l
    • Karen noted that these goals are important because they are reviewed by accreditation. 
    • Cynthia K.’s motion:  because De Anza defines success more richly than the CCC Chancellor’s office, we would like to add two equity oriented metrics/goals to the institutional metrics. Seconded by Marc. 
    • Discussion - Terrence M.: what are the 2 metrics? 
    • Cynthia- I suggest that we give Alicia Cortez flexibility to add two equity-related metrics to the Institutional Metrics.
    • something like achievement gap with respect to the transfer, certificates,
    • completion, etc. It’s that sort of thing that I am imagining.
    • Bob S.- you could connect this to the equity matrix. Disproportionate representation of completion. This is not a faculty-driven agenda, but it has been reinforced through this document.
    • Bob S.: We’re (Faculty Association of the CA Community Colleges, FACCC) pushing back on the new success driven formula - 
    • vote - 20 in favor, no opposition, one abstention
    • Rob- Should we do a “employee satisfaction” survey and include goals for employee satisfaction in the Institutional Metrics?

    Curriculum ESGC Matrix Form (1st Discussion for Approval) 
    • ESGC= Environmental Sustainability and Global Citizenship
    • ESGC form currently does not state that only ⅗ criteria must be met to approve. 
    • Form is difficult to identify on the curriculum website. Erik- webpage can be updated with full title, not just acronym.
    • Terrance to Erik - maybe add it to the instructions elsewhere so faculty will see. 
    • Bob- yes on the website this is not currently in the 5-year review or new course (
    • What if we didn’t know for this deadline? Get in ASAP to make sure it gets filed and done. Willing to work on a case by case basis, particularly since it was not clearly stated on the website.
    • Looking for committee approval of form and process of including it in the five-year revision process. This is the first read. Please bring back to your constituents to inform your vote. 
    • General Education - looking for approval of the committee and the process. Also, first read.  

    Administrative Policy 5010 Admissions
    • Motion to table (Erik, seconded by Terrance)

    • IPBT
      • Looking at the process to ensure that there is a clear process to add new programs and reinstate old ones in addition to considering elimination.. 
      • Visit IPBT Dcocument: IPBT Program Viability Process
    • Viability committee will reconvene- returning paralegal and music AA. Mandarin as a new program. Viability is not supposed to be just elimination; it’s also for review. 
    • Program review updates are being posted online here
    • SSPBT update (Kevin)- the meeting was dedicated to institutional metrics and Equity Plan. 
    • Coffee Chat with Chancellor
      • Karen shared a summary. 
      • Another event with Cristina, proposing May 7th 3-4 in Admin 109. 
    • Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Assessment
    • Meeting tomorrow. Karen will provide the link to those who are you interested.

    Good of the Order
    • Anyone who wants to speak against the funding formula, there are students going tomorrow. You can send things to say to Bob Stockwell. They are given 60 seconds to speak. Still looking for campus data, actual numbers- categories and percentage of cuts. Have not seen it broken out by category. It was a request that was made when Judy was here and we have not yet received it. 
    • OER resolutions were approved from Spring plenary. Karen will forward resolution list sent to her by Shagun and will send call for people who would like to work on OER including an OER coordinator.

    Officers and Senators

    Executive Committee Members Present

    Name Position Present
    Karen Chow President Y
    Mary Pape Vice President  Y
    Alicia Del Toro Executive Secretary/Treasurer Y
    Ishmael Tarikh PT  
    Mary Donahue PT Y
    Paul Klingman App Tech Y
    Pete Vernazza App Tech Y
    Bob Kalpin BHES
    Gayatri Pal BHES  
    Vacancy Bus/CIS  
    Mary Pape Bus/CIS Y
    Vacancy CA  
    Ilas Glasman CA  Y
    Vacancy CD&E  
    Betty Inouye Counseling  Y
    Rob Clem Counseling  Y
    Kevin Glapion DSPS Y
    Anita Vazdifar DSPS Y
    Vacancy ICS/IIS  
    Marc Coronado ICS/IIS Y
    Terrence Mullens PSME  
    Lisa Mesh PSME Y
    Shagun Kaur LA Y
    Brian Malone LA Y
    Marissa Smith (Susan Thomas) SSH Y
    MyLinh Pham SSH Y
    Louise Madrigal PE Y
    Vacancy PE  
    Tom Dolen LR Y
    Mary Sullivan SD  
    Cynthia Kaufman Equity and Engagement Y
    Eric Woord Bury Curriculum Committee Y
    Jeff Lydon DASB Y

    Guests Present

    Name Position Present
    Thomas Ray Administrator Liaison Y
    Bhuvi Natarajan DASB Representative  
    Bob Stockwell Faculty Association
    Christina Espinosa-Pieb Interim De Anza President  
    Rob Mieso VP of Student Services  
    Lorrie Ranck Acting VP of Instruction  
    Susan Cheu VP of Administrative Services  
    Hyon Chu Yi-Baker Director of College Life & Student Judicial Affairs  
    Marisa Spatafore Associate V of Communications & External Relations  
    Lorna Maynard Classified Senate President Y
    Hayman Wong De Anza Student Trustee  
    Mallory Newell Institutional Researcher  
    Moaty Fayek Dean of Business/Computer Info Systems  
    Renee Augenstein Articulation Officer  
    Mary Bennett Tenure Review Coordinator  
    Sheila White-Daniels Dean of Counseling  
    Daniel Smith Dean of Creative Arts  
    Alicia Cortez Dean of Equity and Engagement  
    Daniel Smith Interim Dean of Physical Education & Athletics  
    Isaac Escoto FH Academic Senate President  
    Carolyn Holcroft FHDA District Academic Senate President  
    Pam Grey Associate VP of College Operations  
    Laureen Balducci Dean of Disability Support Programs & Services  
    Anita Kandula Dean of Biological, Health, and Environmental Sciences  
    Michele LeBleu-Burns Dean of Student Development/EOPS  
    Lisa Mandy Director of Financial Aid  
    Nazy Galoyan Dean of Enrollment Services  
    Edmundo Norte Dean of Intercultural/International Studies  
    Jerry Rosenberg Dean of Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering  
    Judy Miner FHDA Chancellor  
    Dawn Lee Tu Faculty Director of Office of Professional Development Y
    Carolyn Wilkins-Greene Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities  
    Kelly Swanson Director, Book Store  
    David Ulate FHDA Research & Planning  
    Mae Lee Curriculum Committee Vice Chair  

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