General Meeting Information

Date: April 21, 2021
Time: 12:30 PM
Location: Online Using Zoom Platform

CTE Steering Committee Meeting

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    12:30 - 12:35 Welcome and Introductions I/D All
    12:35 - 12:40

    Overview of last meeting minutes

    I/D All
    12:40 - 12:55

    CTE updated Metrics 

    I/D Mallory Newell
    12:55 - 1:00

    CTE Counseling department updates


    Helen Pang & Trisha Tran

     1:00 - 1:05

    Hand Shake  & Announcing upcoming job fair

     I/D Helen Pang
    1:05 - 1:10

    Dual enrollment/noncredit updates

    I/D Magali Molina
    1:10 - 1:20

    SWP & Perkins update

     I/D Margaret Bdzil
    1:20 - 1:40

    Resource Request Allocation 2021

    I/D/A All
    1:40 - 1:45

    CTE curriculum update

    I/D Randy Bryant
    1:45 - 1:50

    Updates about 2021/2022 Perkins applicaion

    I/D Margaret Bdzil

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes



    • Anita Muthyala-Kandula
    • Bill Roeder
    • Byron Lilly
    • Cecillia Deck
    • Catherine Hrycyk
    • Daniel Smith
    • Dave Capitolo
    • Elvin Ramos
    • Helen Pang
    • Jayanti Roy
    • Jeff Staudinger
    • Magali Molina
    • Mallory Newell
    • Margaret Bdzil
    • Mark Sherby
    • Mary Pape
    • Max Gilleland
    • Mehran Karimi
    • Mike Appio
    • Moaty Fayek
    • Randy Bryant
    • Sabrina Stewart
    • Susan Tavernetti
    • Thomas Bailey
    • Tricia Buchner
    • Trisha Tran
    • Vins Chacko

    CTE/Workforce Steering committee zoom meeting started with a welcome from the Division Dean at 12:30 PM.

    Review of Minutes from 1/20/2021

    Randy Bryant & Vins Chacko


    CTE Steering committee meeting minutes from 1/20/2021 was presented for informational purpose.  Randy informed the members to review and inform any necessary corrections.

    CTE Counseling department updates

    Helen Pang & Trisha Tran


    Helen introduced the upcoming Handshake virtual job fair occurring on May 12th, 202, for DeAnza college.  Helen and Tricia introduced upcoming workshops leading to the job fairs and encouraged members to refer students to these workshops.  Students are approved to register for other college events they have given permission. Helen demonstrated how the job fair appears in the handshake application.  The workshop details are posted on the career services workshop and DeAnza events calendar.  It was discussed to share the calendar with the CTE department for easy access for faculty to market to the students. Many ideas were discussed on how we can better market the handshake application to promote employments.

    Dual Enrollment & Noncredit

    Magali Molina


    Magali reported that DeAnza college completed our 1st year of dual enrollment this Winter 2021.  Thus, we are planning for next year with Fremont Unified School District. She introduced the list of offered CTE Dual enrollment courses at the website (  We are working with the high school to solicit interest and offering new additional dual enrollment courses.  All the details such as time, location, instructor, and frequencies are in collaboration with the school and college.  We are working within the purview of the union contracts.  Magali pointed out that our noncredit website is updated with resources for faculty, a faculty guide for implementing noncredit classes ( 

    Perkins and SWP Updates

    Margaret Bdzil


    Margaret reported that we are on target to spend down the allocated Perkins budget.  As of 4/15/21, we have $109,000 to be spending before June 30th, 2021.  We have $80,000 encumbrances, salaries and professional developments to report for the last quarter.  Our overspent expenses will be transferred into SWP accounts.  

    SWP Round 3 grant is completed as of December 2020.  All purchases made in the year 2021 are charged from SWP Round 4.  Thus, we are on track and committed to spending down the budget by December 2021. We are currently reviewing the SWP Round 5 resource allocation and are expected to hear an announcement of SWP Round 6 this Fall quarter.   We only have until June 2022 to spend down the Round 5 allocated budget.  The new recommendation is to spend no more than 10% across the program activities and encouraged the funds to link with particular industry sectors.  One specific program projects are the preferences for SWP funds.

    Margaret is also informed that we are waiting for 2021-2022 Perkins allocations; the Chancellors office delayed them for now.  We have issued the core indicator reports based on the LMI. We are looking good at meeting the core indicator goals.  We need to improve on the number of certificate awards issued to meet the college goals.  We have to make focused improvements to increase the number of certificates awarded in the CTE area.  Our concerted efforts to encourage students to apply for certificate awards are crucial. Margaret will be soliciting data for 2021/22 Perkins applications in the near future.  The committee members had an active conversation regarding core indicator measurements.

    CTE Job Placement Rates

    Mallory Newell


    Chancellor's office recently updated the CTE Job Placement Matrix. Mallory informed that local college rates are adjusted to meet the minimum requirements due to the urgency to meet the due dates.  She requested to reach out to her if the rates need to be changed in the system.  The Institutional Research website has updated Educational Master plan updates ( for 2020-2021 Job Placement Rates and Licensure Passage Rates.  Mallory explained the difference between Achievable (want to achieve; based on 5-year average), Apparitional (like to be, but above achievable; 1% above achievable), and Standard (can't go below; one % below our current rate) goals.   Mallory asked everyone to review the report and consult with her on any matters.  She also reminded us that due to COVID, we had adjusted the rate to reflect the drop for license awards.

    Resource Request Allocation

    Randy Bryant


    We have to review and approve the proposed resource allocation list to spend the allocated SWP Round 5 money.  Randy is encouraging everyone to look at the resource allocation list and provide a better clean final product.  He mentioned that CTE chairs are experts on the items needed.  Thus, the division needs to review and present the final allocation request.  He reminded to consider normal process outside of the SWP grant budgets for non-allowable line items (e.g., faculty update, additional pay, classified & faculty salaries).  CTE department will highlight in "yellow" color for all items that required other approvals or clarifications. All additional pay or part-time faculty requests needs to obtain VPI's approval.  All union issue hires need to be reviewed carefully before considering the SWP budget. 

    Randy reviewed the resource request worksheet and draft proposal with the team.  Randy suggested approving the total proposed dollar amount for each division.  He requested each division review the resource allocation worksheet to develop a priority list and update the line items if necessary. It was concluded that the team would reconvene in two weeks to finalize and approve the resource allocation list. He responded to specific questions from the participants and engaged in a conversation.  He encouraged departments to work with the facilities and ETS for specifications and logistics on the orders.  Randy suggested everyone review and address necessary changes to the worksheet, consulting with the CTE team to formulate an accurate list for the next meeting.  Randy asked everyone to reach out to him if additional support was needed. 

    The draft proposal summary for divisions in addition to ongoing and salaries as follows: 


    Division                 SWP                      Perkins

    BCAT                  $171,188              $160,000

    BHES                  $150,000               $154,000

    CA                       $  42,000               $  42,000

    SSH                     $   30,000              $  30,000

    LA                                                     $  14,000

    CTE                     $109,000

    OTI                      $  30,000  


     Our district initiative to support students to find a job in their field of study goal has increased to 85%.   It is a difficult measure for us to control this measure as students are finding job after they leave college.  Thus he encouraged everyone one to encourage students to enroll in internship of their field of study while attending college classes. 

    CTE Curriculum Updates

    Randy Bryant


    We are tasked to look into the CTE curriculum process.  It is recommended for this committee to review and approve the CTE curricula before submitting them to the Curriculum Committee.  CTE division curriculum committee representatives and Mehran to help us with the process.  Thus, in the future, this committee will be reviewing the curriculum. Our goal is to process the CTE course curriculum process faster, in a year circle.  We are hoping to streamline the curriculum process to offer CTE courses in a timely fashion. In the near future, we will be calling meetings to review the CTE curriculum process.

    Meeting Adjourned at 2:00PM.


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