General Meeting Information

Date: January 20, 2021
Time: 1 p.m.
Location: Online

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:00-1:10 Welcome and Introductions I/D All

    CTE Dean's Updates

    • Opportunity America Survey - Employer # in advisory meetings
    • Krause Center for Innovation (KCI) request
    • CTE Resource Allocation Request
      • Include needed items from previous year
      • Annual renews, subscriptions
      • Supplies and Instructional Materials
      • Peer tutoring and additional supports
    • Current Resource Allocation Request
      • Order all approved critical items
      • Order any required items from the list with dean's approval
    I/D Randy Bryant

    Nova 2.0 Requirements

    I/D Margaret Bdzil

    CTE Department updates: What are some of the priorities for the department?  Brief overview of new projects, course or certificate implementation expected for 2021 & 2022.



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    01/20/2021 - Meeting Minutes 

    CTE/Workforce Steering committee zoom meeting started at 1:00 PM
    • Cecillia Deck
    • Daniel Smith
    • Dave Capitolo
    • Elvin Ramos
    • Helen Pang
    • Jeff Staudinger
    • Magali Molina
    • Margaret Bdzil
    • Mark Sherby
    • Mary Pape
    • Max Gilleland
    • Mehran Karimi
    • Mike Appio
    • Moaty Fayek
    • Randy Bryant
    • Sabrina Stewart
    • Thomas Bailey
    • Tricia Buchner
    • Trisha Tran
    • Vins Chacko

    Welcome & CTE Dean's Updates Randy Bryant
    • Randy welcomed all members and guests into the meeting. 
    • Randy requested the CTE department head to submit numbers of employers or companies represent in each advisory meeting. The employer number needs to be included in the responses to the Community College Workforce Education National Research Study - Opportunity America Survey.
    • Randy encouraged departments to work with Krause Center for Innovation (KCI) team to implement small enhancement courses for the community. 
    • He also reminded them that KCI always requests additional instructors to introduce innovative ideas for the community members. Encouraged everyone to think outside of the box to expand CTE programs.
    • Our Environmental Building maintenance area is doing a $70,000 project to improve the services for students, approved through SWP fund.

    Resource request Vins Chacko & Randy Bryant

    Vins stated that he received the resource request for 2021 from most of the departments. He encouraged everyone to include all items that have not been purchased from the 2020 resource request. Resource requests include subscriptions, annual renewals, supplies for instructional materials, and Perkins purchase items. Randy added that once we get all the requests, the CTE team will review and present them to the IPBT for approval. CTE office is updating the NOVA reporting system. The current budget - SWP Round 5 - needs to spend by June 30, 2022. Vins and Randy answered participants' questions regarding the 2021 resource allocation list. 

    • Randy encouraged everyone to prioritize the resource request based on the department's need and thinking ahead about re-opening the campus.
    • Randy reported that the IPBT approved the proposed DMT building renovation project - $850,000.00. DMT is meeting with the VP of Finance to proceed with the project. He encouraged everyone to bring forward any projects that can enhance student success and experiences.  The proposal is published on the IPBT website.  Randy and Mike answered questions raised regarding this project.

    NOVA 2.0 Requirements Margaret Bdzil

    Margaret reported that SWP Round 4 and Round 5 project plans need to be entered into the State Accounting System - NOVA.  She requested the department to provide input on Section 8 (Work Plan: Objectives) and  Section 9 (Work Plan:  Activities) to enter into the SWP plans.  Margaret will run the Labor Market analysis data and share it with the department chairs.  Margaret stated that she would contact staff to obtain the required information to complete the SWP Local and Regional Plan in the NOVA system.  She requested to created one or two objectives with different activities to streamline the reporting.  All projects have to be quantifiable and measurable.    Margaret answered questions raised about the SWP planning data.

    Margaret informed us that we spend SWP Round 3 budget completely.   SWP Round 4 budget has to spend by December 2021 and Round 5 by June 2022.  Randy requested everyone to order the items from the 2020 approved resource allocation requests.

    CTE Department update All
    • CIS department is trying to implement the Google certificate along with the noncredit portion of it - possibly by Fall 2022
    • The child development department created a new course to educate parents on how to communicate with young children during this COVID-19 environment

    Randy encouraged everyone to think outside the box and bring the ideas forward.  We want to make a better experience for the students. 

    Meeting Adjourned at 1:50PM  

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