Meet Roary the Mountain Lion!

Mountain Lion logo with De Anza nameDe Anza’s mascot – Roary the Mountain Lion – represents the college at student events, athletic contests and other occasions. 

Roary's costume and uniform were developed by the Office of Communications in consultation with the De Anza Student Government (DASG), the Office of College Life, the Athletics program and student athletes. The college chose the mountain lion as its new mascot in 2019, after extensive input from students, student-athletes, alumni and employees.

Roary's name and costume were selected after additional campuswide input, including a survey that drew more than 1,500 responses.

Roary the Mountain Lion student ID cardRoary's public appearances are now overseen by the Office of College Life, which has issued Roary their own student ID card. 

Roary joined the fun at De Anza's Welcome Day event in September 2024

Roary with two young women at Welcome Day in 2024

Roary with young man at Welcome Day in 2024

. . . at the 57th annual Graduation celebration in July 2024

Roary giving thumbs up with grad

Roary giving two thumbs up with grad in 2024

Roary with grad and family in 2024

. . . the Enrollment Day event in April 2024

Roary flexing his arms at Enrollment Day in 2024

Roary with two students at 2024 Enrollment Day

... and at Welcome Day in September 2023

Roary and young woman posing for photographer

Roary and Outreach Office staffers

. . . after Roary's first in-person appearance at the 56th annual Commencement in July 2023!

smiling grad holding diploma and leaning against Roary

line of smiling grads with Roary

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