General Meeting Information

Date: October 16, 2024
Time: 12:30 PM
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    12:30 - 12:35 PM Welcome and Introductions I/D Randy Bryant/All
    12:35 - 12:40 PM CTE Dean's Updates I/D/ Randy Bryant/All
    12:40 - 12:45 PM CTE Counselor's Updates I/D Trisha Tran
    12:45 - 12:55 PM SWP Update I/D/A Vins Chacko
    12:55 - 1:05 PM Perkins Update


    Vins Chacko

    1:05 - 1:10 PM CTE Internship Updates


    Katrina Tran
    1:10 - 1:15 PM

    Dual Enrollment and Noncredit Program Coordinator Updates


    Katrina Tran (on behalf of Tiffany Rodriguez-Tran)

    1:15 - 1:20 PM

    CTE Events Updates


    Katrina Tran
    1:20 - 1:25 PM Introduction of Vision 2030


    Vins Chacko
    1:25 - 1:30 PM Introduction of Vision Aligned Reporting (VAR)


    Vins Chacko
    1:30 - 1:40 PM CTE Department Updates & Questions



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    CTE Counselor Updates – Trisha Tran 

    1. Career Planning Committee in formation
      1. Career fair expected to be in May/June
    2. CTE team plans to meet with department chairs to learn about department updates and opportunities to support.
    3. Emphasizing that students who are in CTE programs go to Trisha as a resource for counseling-related questions.
    4. Upcoming
    5. Career Planning Committee in formation
      1. Late October and November Career Related Workshops

    Budgets – Vins Chacko 
    1. BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has been responding to all budget-related requests.
    2. SWP Round 7
      1. Full allocation of SWP fund as expended and reports are submitted in NOVA.
    3. SWP Round 8
      1. Balance as of 09/30/24. 
      2. Need to spend by June 30th 2025.
    4. SWP 9 Budget
      1. Vins will be asking for extension past Oct 31st
      2. Need to submit resource allocation, project, plans, and expenses to Vins ASAP to be used for the next academic year.
      3. Projects to keep in mind: DMT expansion into industrial automation, AJ Crime Lab, Auto Tech Tool Room Remodeling.
    5. Perkins
      1. Last year, spent full amount (FY23-24).
      2. Perkins funding for this available fiscal year from 07/01/24 -0 06/30/25.
      3. Questionnaires needed for CLNA and Perkins
        1. Update from Chancellor’s Office
        2. CLNA Modification
        3. Due date is October 31st in NOVA System but Vins will input sooner.

    CTE Internship Updates – Katrina Tran 
    1. Why is it important?
    2. Purpose of Handshake
      1. To find internships and get students introduced into the career of their study.
    3. Caveats of unpaid internships
      1. Students voluntarily accepts, but we generally do not promote.

    Dual Enrollment & Noncredit Program Updates – Tiffany Rodriguez-Tran 
    1. High School District
      1. As a whole at De Anza, it is increasing.
      2. Received an MOU to hire HS teachers teach college-level curriculum at the High Schools, during the weekdays.
    2. Pathways
      1. Welcoming suggestions to propose to High School district
        1. Open dialogue for HS District engage in pathway conversation.
        2. Students are also interested in taking online courses
          1. The challenge is how to implement the course modality.
    3. Winter 2025
      1. Schedule is in process of being finalized. 
      2. Contact Tiffany Rodriguez-Tran for more information.
    4. HS Classes
      1. Suggestions
        1. Courses that have low enrollment in HS form partnership with local community colleges to offer it at a college level.
        2. How to have students from all populations find classes easily and more inclined to take college level courses.
        3. Articulation agreement between HS and Community College
        4. “Middle College HS” Formula
          1. HS students not only graduate with a HS degree, they also graduated with an Associate’s degree.
          2. Look into “Academy” style programs in High Schools in order to support the creation of an articulation agreement. 
    5. Non-credit offerings
      1. Mirrored curriculum across CTE
        1. How to get a mirrored non-credit course?
          1. Vets through CTE Committee 
          2. CTE Committee sends to curriculum committee for approval. Once approved, it also needs board approval.
          3. Need to send to State to get courses cataloged.
          4. Once cataloged and the catalog numbers comes back, we put the certificated through the board and State.
    CTE Events
    1. October
      1. Career Exploration with SCCOE
      1. Glimpse of the City: Community Connections
      1. Auto Tech Career Day
    1. November
      1. CTE Open House
      1. Handshake Workshops

    Vision 2030 – Vins Chacko 
    1. How is connected to SWP and Perkins?
      1. State Chancellor’s Vision and Mission for Student Success
      2. 3 Goals:
        1. Equity in Success
        2. Equity in Access
        3. Equity in Support
      3. Perkins V Core Indicators in Alignment with Vision 2030
        1. Clarifying how we can utilize funds
      4. SWP Metrics
      5. District Negotiation of Levels of Performance
      6. Student-Centered Funding Formula (SCFF)

    Vision-Aligned Reporting (VAR) – Vins Chacko 
    1. Program reporting process designed to transform data collection and strengthen equitable student outcomes
      1. Implement across CCC in Fall 2024
      2. First report due Fall 2024
      3. Goal: Ensure our institutions have the data they need to understand their impact, make adjustments and continually strive to support student success.
      4.  (5) Categories
        1. Counseling
        2. Direct Aid to Students
        3. Instruction
        4. Outreach or In-reach
        5. Student Support Services

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