General Meeting Information

Date: January 19, 2022
Time: 12:30 PM
Location: Online

CTE Steering Committee Meeting

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:00pm- 1:05pm Welcome I/D Randy Bryant
    1:05pm-1:15pm CTE Dean's Updates I/D Randy Bryant
    1:15pm-1:25pm CTE Counselor Updates I/D Helen Pang/Trisha Tran
    1:25pm-1:35pm Dual, Concurrent, and Noncredit Program Coordinator Updates I/D Vins Chacko
    1:35pm- 1:45pm SWP (Round 4 and 5) and Perkins 2021 Update I/D Vins Chacko
    1:45pm- 1:55pm CTE Resource Budget Allocation for Year 2022 I/D Vins Chacko/Marget Bdzil
    1:55pm- 2:00pm CTE Department Updates I/D Randy Bryant/All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Meeting date: January 19, 2022


    Anita Muthyala-Kandula, Chia Wen, Daniel Smith, Dave Capitolo, Debbie Lee, Debbie Wagner, Elvin Ramos, Farideh Dada, Felisa Vilaubi, Helen Pang, Hua-Fu Liu, James Suits, Jayanti Roy, Kristin Skager, Marco Marquez, Margaet Bdzil, Mark Sherby, Mary Pape, Max Gilleland, Mike Appio, Milena Grozeva, Moaty Fayek, Patricia Buchner, Randy Bryant, Thomas Bailey, Trisha Tran, Vins Chacko.

    CTE/Workforce Steering committee zoom meeting started with a welcome from the Division Dean at 1:00 PM.

    CTE Dean's Update     Randy Bryant

    CTE Dean welcomed and thanked anyone for their attendance.  CTE Dean reminded everyone that noncredit courses do not need BACCC approval. If departments want to incorporate a new course or certificate, CTE Dean will need more lead time to get proper approvals

    CTE Counseling updates     Helen Pang and Trisha Tran

    Trisha and Helen sent emails requesting time to meet 1-1 with department to get updates and information to stay afloat with students as they are going in sessions with them. These updates can be utilized to help student find internships, practice resume writing, or explore majors in careers.

    Dual, Concurrent, Adult, Noncredit Enrollment Updates     Magali Molina

    Magali thanked all the deptartments for their collaborative work with getting dual enrollment to a great start. As of now, De Anza is offering 6 courses this quarter with High Schools. Before it was 2-3 dual enrollment classes in High Schools.

    The planning of having more dual enrollment classes in 2022/2023 will be discussed with each departments 1-1. The goal is to complete by January 31st so there would be more time given for outreaching. Local high school districts says it has been very successful with students to see videos from instructors of what the certain classes entails or will be about. Magali requests each department that is part of dual enrollment send her a quick recording of classes by Jan 31st.

    CTE Resource Budget Allocation for Year 2022     Vins Chacko/Margaret Bdzil

    Vins will put lnk on Sharepoint for all departments to see summary of SWP funds used thus far. As of now, we have spent all of Round 1, 2, 3, and 4 SWP funds. A visual was shown for the recap of Round 5 that was spent. Vins urged all departments to keep the requisitions requests coming and showed the allocation of SWP Round 6 funds.

    Updating departments that some salaries will be moving from SWP to general funds to allow more purchases to be spent. Augmentation of $187,000 additional SWP Round 6 funds and all programs under CTE are beneficiaries. Reminding to order all items from SWP Round 5 allocation. This is also a reminder to all programs that items ordered through Perkins funds need to spend money down by June 30th and/or encumbered.

    If departments need to order on their SWP resource allocation (or the next), can still order from SWP Round 5, so as long as before June 30th . Next year and the year after that, there will be a reduction in cycles and months to use funds.

    Marco Marquez asked with regards to SWP 6 fund application submitted, are those numbers factored into the budget

    Margaret mentioned that she took the proposal to NOVA, not all the fund request was guaranteed. So what each department was requesting, it may reflect a smaller amount.

    CTE Department Update     CTE Team

    District meeting will happen in the future, and CTE needs to monitor their use of funds for a future presentation that assess the local needs, and what other funds are needed to facilitate growth. The district meeting is expected to be held in March 2022. 

    Meeting Adjourned at 2:00PM.

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