11th Annual
Partners in Learning Conference
Hosted by the Biological, Health and Environmental Sciences and
Physical Education and Athletics Divisions
Stressed • Stretched • Balanced
Friday, March 11, 2016 Presenters and attendees will receive PGA/PAA credit (full-time faculty and |
Lunch will be provided for those who pre-register.
Please register through Survey Monkey at:
Conference Program
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Opening: 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.; Hinson Campus Center
8:00 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast in Campus Center, Conference Rooms A & B
8:30 a.m. Conference Opening, Welcome and Agenda
9:00 a.m. Community Activity
Session One: 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
"The Three E's" of Trauma (Event(s), Experience, Effect) in the Lives of Our Students
Mayra Cruz, Brandy Wright and Dawna O'Malley
Trauma in the lives of foster youth students and other vulnerable student populations
can be described through "the Three E's" of Trauma: Event(s), Experience, and Effect.
Researchers report that traumatic stress occurs when an extreme experience compromises
the stress-response systems. Your understanding of trauma is the key.
California History Center
Eating isn't Cheating: A Non-Diet Approach for Your Health
Gigi Acker
If you've tried sacrificing your favorite food, relying on rules (which you are bound
to defy) or choosing pre-portioned foods, there is another way to eat. This non-diet
workshop is for those who want to stop the diet cycle and learn how to eat healthy
without deprivation. Room Admin 102
Growth Mindset: Expanding your Limits through Helpful and Healthful Learning Strategies
Amy Lombardi, Veronica Acevedo Avila, Anne Argyriou, Jila Maleksalehi, Triya Seshadri,
Kristin Skager
Presenters will introduce the growth mindset concept and how it can improve learning.
Participants in this interactive workshop will learn about how the brain works, and
explore strategies that learners can use for optimal success. Room MCC-13
EQ Conversation Café: Talents for Change
Sabrina Stewart
Take a free Talent Profile*, an assessment about your unique capabilities for change.
Learn about your strengths and how to support yourself AND others. Discuss the ways
we are similar and different, and how to use your strengths to create or influence
positive change. Contact Sabrina Stewart (stewartsabrina@fhda.edu) for assessment
information. Brain Talent Profile results are confidential and will be disbursed during
the breakout session. Room L-48
Lunch, Keynote, Dialog and Resource Fair:
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m., Hinson Campus Center, Conference Rooms A and B
We invite conference attendees to come together for lunch, a fabulous health resource
fair, dialog with our colleagues, and a keynote on stress reduction from our own Dr,
Jeffrey Forman. Learn about great things available for our students and ways to take
care of ourselves at our Resource Fair. Please join us in Conference Rooms A & B in
the Campus Center. Lunch will be served to those who have pre-registered.
Luncheon Keynote
Stressed, Stretched, Balanced by Dr. Jeffrey FormanDr. Jeff Forman is a nationally recognized expert on massage Therapy and physical stress. His most recent book is “Managing Physical Stress with Therapeutic Massage” Cengage Learning (2007). Jeff is also a retired De Anza faculty member. |
Session Two: 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Writing Familias