Take a Self-Guided Tour of Campus Art 

You'll find all kinds of artwork in popular gathering areas as well as quiet spots around the De Anza campus. Follow the directions below the map to find some favorite pieces.

campus art map

[Click the map image for a downloadable PDF]

Stop 1

A good place to start is “Justice, Equity, Peace” (#1 on the map), a mural that Sam Rodriguez, an acclaimed San José artist and De Anza alum, created for the college's 50th anniversary. You'll find it on the south wall of the S5 building, facing the Design and Manufacturing Technologies classrooms in E2.

Justice Equity Peace mural

Stops 2-4

Walk east toward the PE complex, where you will see “What Does Justice Look Like?” (#2), a mural painted by De Anza students, near the entrance to the complex.

Then continue east toward Parking Lot B to view “Omubaka Ambassador” (#3), a sculpture by Rose Kirumira. Next, walk northwest through L Quad to find “The Turtle” (#4), a steel sculpture by Elwood M. Reynolds, in the walkway between the F1 and F6 buildings.

turtle sculpture with students

Stop 5

Next, turn north and walk toward the Advanced Technology Center. You’ll see “Time Graffiti” (#5), a bronze and stone sculpture by David Middlebrook, near the stairs leading down to the lower level of the Campus Center.

sculpture with student

Stop 6 

Turn around and walk southwest to the Administration Building, where you can view several artworks inside the lobby (#6). These include the “Liberty Weeps” sculpture by Joseph DeLappe, the “De Anza Singularity” fountain by Eric Orr, and several paintings by Kate DeCiccio – including portraits of English instructor Karen Chow, former student and 2017 graduation speaker Diego Cihuacoatl Gomez, spoken word artist McTate Stroman II, and former Cupertino Mayor (and De Anza alum) Savita Vaidhyanathan.

Justice sculpture and Singularity fountain

Stop 7

Leave the ADM building through the doors you came in, and walk north through the Main Quad. As you pass the Campus Center on your right, you'll see a colorful mural (#7) painted on a small building near the entrance to the Financial Aid office. "The World As It Is and the World We Want To See" was painted by De Anza art students in spring 2022 and represents a hopeful emergence from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stop 8

As you pass the Campus Center on your right, you will see the Sunken Garden on your left. Descend the stairs to view “La Vita è Una Fontana” (#8), a large fountain sculpture by Salvatore Pecoraro, a Bay Area artist and former De Anza instructor.

fountain in Sunken Garden

Stops 9 and 10

Leave the Sunken Garden and proceed north toward the A Quad, which houses Creative Arts classrooms and studios. Look for “Stellar Motion” (#9), a steel sculpture by Moto Ohtake, to the left of the A7 building. Continue north to view “Two As One” (#10), a sculpture by Smadar Agmon, to the right of the A9 building. 

Stellar Motion

Stellar Motion

Two As One

Two As One

Stop 11

Next you’ll see “Beautiful Chaos” (#11), a colorful mural painted by De Anza art students on the side of Building A5.

students standing in front of Chaos mural

Stop 12

If you continue walking around the A1 building, you will see “Trinom” (#12), a sculpture by Magda Lattin, facing out toward Stevens Creek Boulevard.

trinom sculpture with students running

Stops 13 and 14

Retrace your steps to the A7 building and turn left to walk east, between the RSS Building and Advanced Technology Center, arriving at the Visual and Performing Arts Center (#13) and the Euphrat Museum of Art.

Before going inside the Euphrat, be sure to visit the patio behind the VPAC, where you’ll find a set of unique benches (#14) created by De Anza furniture design students: "Balls of Fun" by LeGrand Morgan, "Dream Boat" by Olena Starostina, and "Kubik" by Alexandr Barilov.

Balls of Fun

Balls of Fun

Dream Boat

Dream Boat



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