Communicate Collegewide Equity Efforts

  • Include regular equity updates in college publications.
  • Feature department and program equity work on website, and submit accomplishments to the Office of Communications for possible broader promotion.
  • Provide periodic collegewide reports on the state of equity.

Action Plan: Communicate equity efforts that share, monitor, assess and celebrate the college's efforts toward implementing equity

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

All-Peer Equity Conference

Spring 2024

  • Include regular equity updates in college publications

EAC will collect and submit equity work to the Office of Communications in spring 2024. EAC will also develop an ongoing mechanism for the campus to provide feedback/input on their equity work. A liaison from the council will work with the Office of Communications to create a section in the Quick Notes specific to equity work/updates to launch fall 2024.

  • Feature department and program equity work on website, and submit accomplishments to the Office of Communications for possible broader promotion.

Office of Equity will also work with the Office of Communications to utilize the submissions from the equity inventory to develop a webpage to track the implementation of Equity Re-Imagined goals.

  • Provide periodic collegewide reports on the state of equity

Provide quarterly updates to College Council on implementation efforts of the equity plan. Use the opportunity to request support/resources; standing agenda item; College Council meeting for a report out on equity efforts. Develop a mechanism for the campus to provide feedback/input on their equity work.

Fall 2024

  • Provide periodic collegewide reports on the state of equity 

Launch quick notes section featuring equity updates and an updates/timeline page tracking the implementation of Equity Re-Imagined goals. Use Opening Day as an opportunity to provide an equity update from the Dean of Equity and Engagement.

Winter 2025

All-Peer Equity Conference

Spring 2025

Fall 2025

Winter 2026

All-Peer Equity Conference

Spring 2026

Fall 2026

Winter 2027

All-Peer Equity Conference

Spring 2027

Fall 2027

Please Provide Feedback

Would you like to volunteer to be part of the implementation team?*

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