Finite Mathematics

Course Description

Application of linear equations, sets, matrices, linear programming, mathematics of finance and probability to real-life problems. Emphasis on the understanding of the modeling process, and how mathematics is used in real-world applications.

Class Details

CRN Course Section Days Times Instructor Loc
48741 MATH 11 Q09 M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Alex Cheng MLC270

Class Dates: This class runs from 2025-04-07 to 2025-06-27.
MATH-11.-Q09:There is a 2.5-unit corequisite to this course. Students enrolling in this section must also enroll in MATH 211X.Q09(CRN 48752). Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets on-campus each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.

Class Materials

This course either has not submitted any materials to the bookstore for use or is using Open Education Resources. Please check with the instructor.

View textbook and/or other materials available at the Bookstore.

Course Details

5 Units
  • Weekly Lecture Hours: 5
  • Weekly Lab Hours: 0
Program Status
Program Applicable
Credit - Degree Applicable
Grading Method
Letter Grading

General Course Statement

General Statement
See general education pages for the requirements this course meets.

Requisite and Advisory

ESL 272. and ESL 273., or ESL 472. and ESL 473., or eligibility for EWRT 1A or EWRT 1AH or ESL 5.
Intermediate algebra or equivalent (or higher), or appropriate placement beyond intermediate algebra

Limitations on Enrollment and Entrance Skills

Limitations on Enrollment
Not open to students with credit in the Honors Program related course.
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