General Meeting Information

Date: June 4, 2024
Time: 10-11:25 a.m.
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person (MLC 255) or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    10:00 Welcome  I/D


    10:00-10:05 Approval of Agenda and 5/21 and 5/28 Minutes I/D/A Woodbury
    10:05-10:20 Perkins Budget Proposal I/D/A Woodbury

    Personnel Request Discussion with Managers




    Finalize Hiring Prioritization



    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Attendance, Voting Members

    Robert Alexander, Adam Contreras, Alicia De Toro,  Pam Grey, Lydia Hearn, Michelle Hernandez, Zachery Ho, Adrienne Hypolite, Melinda Hughes, Michele LeBleu-Burns, Debbie Lee, Tina Lockwood, Andre Meggerson, Eric Mendoza, Rob Mieso, Izat Rasyad, Daniel Solomon, Aditya Sharma, Tim Shively, Bidya Subedi, Kate Wang, Chia Wen, Erik Woodbury


    Erik Woodbury welcomed everyone back. Mallory Newell was out. Rob Mieso was sick and attending online. Therefore, Erik chaired the meeting.

    Approval of Agenda and 5/21 and 5/28  Minutes

    Tim Shively moved to approve the agenda and minutes.  No objection. Approved

    Perkins Budget Proposal

    The proposal was the draft for the 2024-2025 federal Perkins application for the CTE program.

    Vins Chacko explained the process. He compiled the budget and application based on the request from the CTE department. He sent the draft back to the CTE committee to review and approve. Now, the proposal comes to RAPP for approval. The departments will have until June 30th next year to spend the funds. There will be no carryover to the following year. 

    Once RAPP approves it, the proposal will go to the College Council, then to the State. The Perkins application was due on May 31st. Vins entered the application  into the system and it was approved by the state already. He was still able to make changes

    Tim had a question about the $4,000 amount for instructional salaries. That is for additional pay to administer the summer camps.

    Tim moved to approve. No objections. Approved to forward to the College Council.

    Personnel Request Discussion with Managers

    Debbie Lee asked for clarification for the term in next agenda item: Finalize Hiring Prioritization

    Erik Woodbury: After the managers have answered their questions the small groups will finalize their prioritization. When each small group has completed their prioritization, the groups will move into small group reconciliation.

    Mathematics Faculty, PSME

    What is the impact if the position is not filled? Please provide more information. Expand upon the impact of the program due to the loss of faculty over time without funding for replacement (course offerings, student completion of programs, etc.) ​​Address the impact on the equity gap for the department and the critical role of this staff position.

    Mehrdad Khosravi

    The Math department does not have enough instructors to cover all their course offerings. Even with their new hires last year, they will be short still in the fall for 26 classes. He has 2 summer classes without anyone to teach them.

    In addition to course coverage, they need faculty to work on curriculum, especially to develop an innovative course to replace pre-calculus that the state will no longer let them offer.

    With regard to the equity gap, faculty are so busy just teaching, there is no time to update curriculum or anything else without additional full time faculty. 

    The department has gone from 33 full time faculty to less than 20 due to retirement and position changes. Mehrdad himself has gone from faculty to dean positions. 

    If there are not enough instructors, they will need to cancel classes. Full faculty have been doing overload. They are at capacity. 

    Everyone needs to take math. Math brings students here and keeps them here for math and other classes. It is crucial to have instructors to maintain the lower level classes here. Otherwise, students will go elsewhere for those and subsequent classes.

    Math has a lot of enrollment. Students that take math at De Anza also take other classes at De Anza.

    Lydia Hearn added that without sufficient faculty they will have to cancel fully enrolled classes.

    Business Faculty

    Are the duties of the replacement faculty different from those of the growth position?

    Manisha Karia

    The position was mainly to replace Manisha who has moved from business faculty to dean. The person will also fill the gap to support autotech and new courses like digital marketing.

    Like Math, if they cannot offer the classes at De Anza, they will lose students to other schools.  Full and part time faculty are maxed out. They are not able to fully support students with their needs.

    Can you please speak to how the department plans to address student equity, within the form, there were no specifics provided. 

    All faculty, full and part time get equity training. Faculty has put in a lot of effort. They have developed a Canvas shell with resources pages to encourage students to join cohorts and provide information on De Anza facilities. The department supports the dual enrollment program. They are engaged with high schools that send their students to De Anza.

    Business department has a good fill rate. The department has the highest number of certificates and degrees offered at De Anza. They offered 30% of the De Anza transfer certificates. Business is an area that can support every discipline.

    DMT faculty, Applied technology

    Are the duties of the replacement faculty different from those of the growth position?

    Manisha: The industry needs are really high in this area. They have invested in the state of the art equipment and facilities that stand out among colleges, locally and nationally. They need people to run them.

    Mike Appio

    This is two positions, existing and growth, overlapped into one.  Mike took over the CAD department from Gary Lamit; that vacant position was never filled.

    The existing position takes over the CAD program that they further developed since Gary Lamit. 

    The growth position will incorporate their top notch programs like 3D programing, robotics, automation, AM 3D printing that they started this fall. The programs are drawing people from 4-year universities. They have also started dual enrollment with these programs. 

    In just a few years, the program has gone from 2 to 6 classes in the AM area. Enrollment has quadrupled. They have a certificate of achievement that has 4 classes. They do not have enough people to offer those classes. In the fall he will have 48 people going for this new certificate of achievement. From product model making, they will be crossing over to 

    48 waiting, cross over to fast growing areas like robotics VR and AI

    He has 8 instructors. One just retired, one just moved to LA, 3 over 70 years old.

    They have an established program, $1 million equipment, $525,000 NSF grant. It is hard to find and hire people, especially part-time. They need to invest in full-time faculty to keep from starting from scratch and to grow the program. If they cannot offer the classes, students cannot complete the certificates.

    Timing is perfect for the college to build and work with local industries like Apple, Google, NASA, to move forward.

    Manisha Karia: this is the largest and fastest growing manufacturing program in the world, not just only in the US. Additional faculty would support student engagement and retention. They also have many female students. They have trained other industry people to teach as well as provided professional development for other colleges.

    Tina Lockwood encouraged people to visit and see their new facility.

    Transfer Counselor

    Can you talk more about the demand for this position? What does the transfer center do that may be different from General Counseling?Why is it needed, what cannot be done if the position is not funded?

    Khoa Nguyen

    Transfer center services are always in high demand. The waiting time for students to just get an appointment with the transfer counselors There are many students seeking guidance to navigate the transfer process. They need an additional transfer counselor to assist students and make sure that they receive the support and assistance they need in a timely manner. When it comes to transfer, timing is extremely important and missing a deadline can have an adverse effect on a student’s transfer timeline.

    They are so impacted that students found it hard to schedule appointments, particularly with general and transfer counseling. The ratio for contact is one general counselor to 1,300 students. For the transfer center, there is one counselor for 1,500 students. They would like to get the ratio down to 1 to 850 students.

    Second question, what does the transfer center do that may be different from general counseling?

    The transfer center is housed under general counseling. All counselors  have basic knowledge on academic counseling, career counseling, personal counseling, and to help students navigate the transfer process.

    The transfer center provides more specialized services. They offered workshops on general college application, supplemental application, transfer admission guarantee, etc. They also have application clinics that provide hands-on assistance during application times. They coordinate the annual transfer day where 50 or 60 universities come to De Anza to provide information to students regarding the institutions and their support services. They also assist with admission appeals.

    They do in-depth transfer planning with students to provide accurate information regarding transfer requirements to avoid delays.

    The counselors attend many professional development training throughout the year to stay current with the constantly changing policy pertaining to transfer.

    They serve as resources for counselors with updates on transfer policies. 

    They formed partnerships with universities to provide virtual workshops for students.

    These types of coordinations are different from general counseling, and embedded counseling.

    Last question. What cannot be done if the position is not funded?

    It is important to help student reach their educational goals

    Without an additional counselor they cannot implement intentional and target outreach to the disproportionately impacted student population. With an additional counselor they can develop more transfer resources like application videos, scholarship guides, university resources, transfer canvas page and transfer checklist.

    There are pending statewide initiatives like the dual admission program for UC and CSU. They will not have the capacity to carry out those initiatives.

    Last year, De Anza was number one out of 116 California community colleges for transfer to UC and CSU. De Anza was number three in the state for overall transfer.

    Khoa provided a link to the transfer data.

    Robert Alexander added that transfer counselors tend to have a more broad knowledge, more detailed knowledge of TAG, the transfer admission guarantee, that pertains to the UC. They also have a transfer guarantee with Santa Clara University.

    Associate Dean, SSRS

    When does funding go away for this position?

    Michelle Hernandez, Lydia Hearn

    The funding will end around Oct 25, maybe one more quarter after that.

    Honors Coordinator, Equity and Engagement

    Is this a line item position or reassigned time position at Foothill? Is it possible for DA to use RA time? 

    They currently have an honors coordinator who is on additional pay. The transfer alliance program with UCLA requires a dedicated counselor as well as a dedicated coordinator. They have been advised that reassigned time is not an option.

    If this position is not funded then all the coordination and counseling work required for honor students could not be done.

    HEFAS/VIDA Counselor, Equity and Engagement

    Michelle Hernandez

    Is CYLC a grant program? How are they working with the Rising Scholars program? Can we hear more about this? Why is this specific to HEFAS/VIDA? Is training for UndocuSolidarity a program coordinator's job duties?

    Each program serves about 250 students. In the program review, they listed up to a thousand because they're not only helping students who are taking classes, but it's also a community outreach program. A lot of community members are utilizing the services on campus

    CYLC, the California Youth Leadership Court, is a grant funded program. There are student interns taking classes here on campus and doing social justice work. The funding comes from the State to help low income youth to offer them fellowships, mentoring, work based learning opportunities, etc. CYLC also works with Rising Scholars. If the youth do not have a high school diploma, they will help and support them to complete that. The counselor position will be very instrumental in helping individuals in the CYLC program. They will work with undocumented students, students from adult schools to connect them with the college community. Help them navigate the community college system. Also work with DACA recipients. This is a very specialized counseling position that requires special knowledge and abilities  in order for them to navigate the migrant experience and the sensitivity to that experience. 

    Follow up question from Robert Alexander on the number of students to be served.

    Michelle: They have a counselor on additional pay from the Language Arts.

    VIDA has about 250, another 350 in their core program. 200 plus in various workshops and training. About 1000 undocumented students

    They need the counselor to get to students in a more timely fashion. Some students are in more urgent situations and are more severely impacted.

    Film Studies, Film/TV

    What are the different min quals for instructors to get hired in this department? Is it possible based on min quals for FT instructors in the F/TV department to teach film studies classes? Might having a FT "Production Studies" instructor teach the GE F/TV courses help garner student interest in the various F/TV programs?

    Kristen Skager

    The minimum quals from the state of california for film and media studies is the master's degree in film cinema, media studies, film, television, media studies, drama, theater, mass communication.

    Faculty who teach film production classes cannot teach film studies. Earning a MFA in film production does not qualify a faculty member to teach in film studies. Faculty with degrees in film production can only teach production, not film, or media studies courses. They have to be able to teach film studies for the transfer agreement. Students have had classes rejected before if the classes were not taught by somebody with a film studies background. Film studies instructors do not teach film production. Film productions teachers cannot teach film studies.

    F/TV is a very tight department. There's frequent cross-pollination of students taking film/TV production and film studies classes. Enrollment data for film studies between 18-19 to 22-23 shows good productivity despite the pandemic.

    Dual Enrollment Counselor, A & R

    Is it possible that general counselors can help high school students? Enrollment has decreased since 17/18. Can general counselors get training on dual enrollment? Why do Outreach counselors already do this?Can general counselors do these activities?

    Nazy Galoyan

    No! General counselors are NOT seeing dual enrollment students. These students are referred to Outreach counselors from all over the campus.  It is not about training. This population of students need special commitments and ongoing constant support. With general counseling they will get none of that. When dual enrollment students schedule appointments with a counselor or when they go to drop-in sessions, they must be sure that their cases will be looked at including their high school work and college work. For general counselors to do that training is not enough, their job duties must be specialized.

    Robert Alexander: general counselors do see dual enrollment students. General counseling ends up being a default. If students cannot meet with a dual enrollment counselor or anybody from outreach, they come to general counseling.

    Nazy Galoyan: Dual enrollment includes high school students, middle school students, adult school students and CTE students. Dual enrolled students were referred to outreach counselors, not general counseling. Other community colleges have already hired dual enrollment students. This is a new trend. Six years ago, De Anza had 200 high school students. Now, there are over 1,500. This different population needs different attention. None of the counselors at our college or any community college have those skills and time to address all of their needs.

    Erik Woodbury asked if anyone objected to rescheduling the last 3 managers to address the questions in their areas in the next meeting.

    No objections from the managers.

    There was a question from Robert Alexander in chat: Counselors don’t have the skills to work with dual enrolled students? Explain.

    Erik Woodbury: That seems to be an ongoing conversation. Let's get some written responses that would be helpful for moving forward in the evaluation of that position request.

    Erik will discuss with the other chairs regarding the modality of the next week. Please pay attention to the calendar invite. It may be another online meeting.

    Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.

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