General Meeting Information
Date: December 10,
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: Zoom (see below for information)
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:00 PM Welcome and Introductions I/D All 2:02 PM Approval of Agenda and Notes I/D/A Armstrong 2:04 PM Learning Communities Presentation I/D Hearn 2:34 PM Professional Development Day I/D All 2:42 PM Equity and Engagement Updates
I/D/A - Arreola
- Meggerson
- Garcia
2:50 PM Leadership Requests
All 2:51 PM - Leadership Reports
- General Updates, Announcements, and News
All 2:58 PM Affirmations I
Diaz A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Classified senate met on zoom, December 10, 2024, with president Dennis shanakian calling the meeting to order at 2:09 PM.
The current agenda and previous meeting notes were approved by unanimous vote.
Debee Armstrong commented that her notes are more informal than the minutes for many committees because she wants people who can not attend to understand what happens at senate meetings and entice them to join the discussion.
Lydia Hearn gave a presentation on learning communities: groups of students with a particular affinity who are in an organized community which takes classes and studies together. Her slides, linked below show the different communities that we have on campus. Students in learning communities get the continuity of having the same counselor all quarter.
Lydia answered many audience questions during her presentation. This presentation was also given to Academic Senate and RAPP.
There was a discussion about choosing the date for professional development day. The problem with holding this event in Spring was that many staff are more busy then. So there was discussion about having it either in March, near the end of winter or in April at the start of Spring quarter.
The committee that is planning the event will take the senate’s feedback in to consideration when deciding on the best date.
Dennis reminded senators representatives are still needed for the district budget advisory committee, campus facilities and campus center advisory committee.
Lisa Ly explained that feedback would soon be requested by the college planning committee for revising both the college’s mission and vision statements.
For the office of equity, Adriana Garcia and Shaila Ramos-García presented a resolution to increase funding for undocumented students. This Resolution asks the board to Set District Budget Priorities for Funds Derived from AB540 Student Enrollment and Associated Programs; it is linked below. They need the classified senate to embrace it so this can be presented at the next FHDA board meeting. The academic senate supports it.
The motion to adopt this resolution passed with one abstention.
- Current Meeting Agenda
- Learning Communities
- Classified Senate Resolution On setting District Budget Priorities for Funds Derived from AB540 Student Enrollment and Associated Programs: Resolution
Zoom Information
- Meeting ID: 894 2682 9140
- Passcode: 804780
- Meeting URL:
- Link: Click Here for the Zoom Meeting