General Meeting Information

Date: May 30, 2024
Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m.

  • Agenda

    Time Agenda Item Purpose |
    Discussion Leader
    3:00 p.m. Approve the May 9, 2024 notes A
    Co/Vice Chairs
    Notes were approved
    3:05 p.m. CCC 2024-25 Joint Analysis of the Governor's May Revise Budget Proposal

    A lot of uncertainty. Using one-time funding to cover some of the deficit. Trying to protect community college (CC) apportionment. Mid June budget goes to senate & house then end June the Governor should sign. Currently 37 districts in SCFF with 11 in hold-harmless. In FY25/26 CCC Chancellors office will be cutting personell by 7.95% which will result in less services to CCs.
    • The Governor’s May Revision reflects lower-than-projected state revenues and now projects a total budget deficit of $45 billion, an increase of $7 billion over the $38 billion estimated in the Governor ’s Budget. The proposal expects an additional $28.4 billion deficit for 2025-26 (for deficits totaling about $73 billion over two years). The Administration cautions that persistent inflation and elevated interest rates could hamper economic activity by more than projected and worsen budget conditions.
    • The budget proposal for the CCCs focuses on stability in the context of the significant budget deficit. It includes no major core reductions to
    programs or services, instead drawing on reserves and operational savings to bring
    the overall budget in balance. Overall, funding increases slightly compared to the current year enacted budget.
    • Revised proposals for ongoing spending include about $100 million for a 1.07%
    cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for CC apportionments, $31million more than the Governor’s original proposed COLA of 0.76% in the January budget proposal. The proposal also includes an additional $13 million for COLAs
    and adjustments to certain categorical programs, and $28 million for systemwide enrollment growth of 0.5%. FHDA would not recieve COLA in FY25/26 under current provisions*.
    • One-time funding in the revised proposal remains limited but retains the previously proposed $60 million for expansion of nursing program capacity from the Governor’s Budget and adds $35 million for several projects related to the system’s Vision 2030 priorities.
    • The Governor’s revised proposal includes $29 million in capital outlay funding from Proposition 51 to support the working drawings and construction phases for one continuing project, the same as included in the Governor’s Budget.
    3:30 p.m. Vacant position report Sept. 2023 - May 30, 2024 - No unreported vacancies I/D
    Request from RAPP. There are no unreported vacant positions during the 09/2023 - 05/30/2024 period. There will be vacancies effective June 28, 2024 which will be shared in Fall.
    3:50 p.m. Annual Governance Assessment Survey

    AnnualGovernanceAssessment Submission
    Vice Chairs
    Annual Governance Assessment Survey Please take a moment to review the survey with your governance group and provide one, collaborative response to the three targeted questions. The results of the reflections are published annually on the college planning page.
    Q1) Reflecting on the work of your governance group over the past year, how did this work help fulfill De Anza's vision, mission, values, strategic initiatives, Institutional Core Competencies, and commitment to equity?
    Q2) Reflecting on your governance group’s processes and practices over the past year, please identify what has been working and what changes you plan to implement over the next academic year to ensure continuous improvement.
    Q3)  Reflecting on your groups’ ability to disseminate information to its stakeholders, what are some strengths and weaknesses in regards to ensuring that all stakeholders are informed of the committee’s activities, processes, policies and decisions? How can you improve your process for information dissemination next year?
    4:10 p.m. Agenda setting

    Annual Governance Assessment Survey

    Joint RAPP/BAC 50% law training


    Complete the survey at 06/13/2024 meeting.

    50% law information comes from the district who will supply an estimate later in the quarter. Some positions can be excluded from the 50% law. DA has requested more direction and information from district to help guide the college. FHDA is close to the 50% threshold and district is monitoring closely. Historically budget cuts effect  non-faculty positions which impacts the 50% number.

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information
    R = Recommendation

    BAC supporting documents are posted here: Budget Advisory Committee Documents

    Food Services RFP#1926 Winter 2024 (Request for Proposal)
    B Budget (General Fund/Discretionary funds)
    Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)
    California Community College (CCC)
    Community College (CC)
    District Budget Advisory Committee (DBAC)
    Ending Fund Balance (EFB)
    Fiscal Year (FY)
    Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO)
    Resource Allocation and Program Planning (RAPP)
    Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF)
    * Student Centered Funding Formula Hold Harmless Provision: Districts receive no less than their 2017-18  Total Computational Revenue (TCR) plus applicable cumulative annual cost of living adjustments through 2024-25. The 2022 Budget Act extended the Hold Harmless protection in a modified form. Starting in 2025-26, the Hold Harmless provision will no longer reflect cumulative COLAs over time. A district’s 2024-25 TCR will represent its new “floor,” below which it cannot drop.

    2024 General funds release Tranche #3  BAC Agenda 02/01/2024 = $934,926.45
    Total General Funds released to RAPP Jan-June, 2023 = $2,332,319.38
    2023 General funds release Tranche #1 BTF Agenda 03/09/2023 = $1,533,134.24
    2023 General funds release Tranche #2 *FINAL* BAC Agenda 6/15/2023 = $435,065.79
    2023 SRP #2 release BTF Agenda 03/09/2023 = $364,119.35

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