Page 191 - DAC_Catalog_2021-2022
P. 191

Cultural Pluralism and American Law and Justice
4 Units
CIS 14A Visual Basic .NET Programming I 4 1/2 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). This course will focus on programming in Visual Basic, with an emphasis on Windows programming using the Visual Basic environment, and the development of well- structured VB projects using forms, buttons, labels, picture boxes, and text boxes.
CIS 14B Visual Basic .NET Programming II 4 1/2 Units
Prerequisite: CIS 14A or equivalent.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). This course prepares students to develop professional-looking and deployable Visual Basic applications using advanced controls, user-created classes, incorporating databases with ADO.NET 3.5, calling APIs, and creating Web applications.
CIS 18A Introduction to Unix/Linux 4 1/2 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273; CIS 4.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). This course is an introduction to the features of the Unix/Linux operating system including text editing, text file manipulation, electronic mail, Internet utilities, directory structures, input/output handling, and shell features.
CIS 18B Advanced Unix/Linux 4 1/2 Units
Prerequisite: CIS 18A.
Advisory: CIS 14A, 22A, 36A or 40.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). Expanded coverage of regular expressions and grep. Advanced topics in Unix/ Linux include egrep, find, sed, awk, file archiving, compression, and conversion, version control, makefile, basic shell scripts and installation of a Linux distribution.
CIS 18C Bash Scripting 4 1/2 Units
Prerequisite: CIS 18B.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). Programming in bash shell, Korn shell, Bourne shell, tc shell and C shell.
CIS 21JA Introduction to x86 Processor 4 1/2 Units Assembly Language and Computer
Prerequisite: CIS 22B or CIS 22BH or CIS 26A or CIS 35A or CIS 36B or CIS 41A.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). This course is an introduction to the syntax and semantics of the x86 processor assembly language, standard instruction set, selected macros and directives, and x86 architecture.
All courses are for unit credit and apply to a De Anza associate degree unless otherwise noted.
(Formerly ICS 29.)
(See general education pages for the requirements this course meets.)
Advisory: EWRT 1A or EWRT 1AH or (EWRT 1AS and EWRT 1AT) or ESL 5. (Also listed as ADMJ 29. Students may enroll in either department, but not both, for credit.)
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
This course is an interdisciplinary study of marginalized peoples and their relationship to the law. The course examines the legal perspective on cultural diversity in the United States by examining groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, class, religious background, disability, and sexual orientation. It also analyzes how these groups interact with mainstream society through American law, concentrating on both historical and contemporary state and federal legislation and court rulings, along with how the courts play a role in determining the status of minority groups and the effect of law on cultural pluralism and cultural diversity in the United States.
CETH 50 Civic Leadership for Community Empowerment
4 Units
(Formerly ASAM 50.)
(See general education pages for the requirements this course meets.)
Advisory: EWRT 1A or EWRT 1AH or (EWRT 1AS and EWRT 1AT) or ESL 5.
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
This course provides an introduction to Asian American studies through civic leadership. Students will explore community empowerment as theory and practice in public service – especially in government, nonprofit and education sectors. The class will examine the political economy of community development through the history and contemporary community of Asian Americans and other underrepresented races and cultural groups in Silicon Valley. Students will gain an understanding of the ecology of civic engagement and civic leadership while reflecting on their personal paths for civic involvement.
Computer Information Systems CIS 2 Computers and the Internet in Society
4 Units
 (See general education pages for the requirements this course meets.)
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
A critical examination of the capabilities and uses of the Internet, computers and cellular communications, and how they are changing business, law, politics, health, education, entertainment, and society.
CIS 3 Business Information Systems 4 1/2 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). This is an introductory course to business information systems, systems design and development life cycle, data communications, data management, office automation, computer hardware and software concepts. The use of common software packages for business applications including word processing, spreadsheets, database, and internet web tools will be covered.
CIS 4 Computer Literacy 4 1/2 Units
(Formerly CIS 93.)
Advisory: EWRT 1A or EWRT 1AH or (EWRT 1AS and EWRT 1AT) or ESL 5.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). An introduction to basic computer literacy concepts. History of the computer, hardware, software, operating system mechanics, system management utilities, basics of networking, Internet and explore HTML web pages. The social impact and future of computers for communication systems are discussed along with an overview of basic security and privacy concerns. An integrated software package for word processing, spreadsheets, databases, e-mail, Internet and presentations are introduced.
CIS 5 Swift Programming 4 1/2 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273; MATH 114 or equivalent. Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). Swift is Apple's open source language used to develop native iOS and Mac OS apps. Swift was designed to be beginner friendly. Topics covered include: native and collection data types, operators and statements, loops and branching, functions and variable scoping, modules and packages, object oriented programming, file handling, regular expressions and exception handling.
CIS 9 Introduction to Data Science 4 1/2 Units
Prerequisite: CIS 41A.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). This course is an introduction to data science, which covers data analytics and machine learning. Topics covered include data gathering and data wrangling, data assessment and visualization, supervised and unsupervised machine learning, natural language processing.
Prerequisite: CIS 21JA.
4 1/2 Units
Advanced x86 Processor Assembly
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). This course covers the theory and application of advanced assembly programming techniques, with emphasis on multi-module programs, interrupt level programming, recursive and re-entrant techniques, floating-point processing, interface with the OS and high-level language.
CIS 22A Beginning Programming 4 1/2 Units Methodologies in C++
(Students may receive credit for either (CIS 22A and CIS 22B/22BH) or CIS 27.) Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211, or ESL 272 and 273; MATH 114 or equivalent.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). The fundamental constructs of programming and introduces the concept of object oriented programming is covered in the course. Its primary objective is to teach problem solving using the C++ programming language. Emphasis will be placed on structured procedural programming with an introduction to object-oriented programming. Designed primarily for computer science and related transfer majors.
CIS 22B Intermediate Programming 4 1/2 Units Methodologies in C++
(Not open to students with credit in CIS 22BH.)
(Students may receive credit for either (CIS 22A and CIS 22B/22BH) or CIS 27.) Prerequisite: CIS 22A.
Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter). A systematic approach to the design, construction and management of computer programs, emphasizing design, programming style, documentation, testing and debugging techniques. Strings, multidimensional arrays, structures, and classes. Pointers: their use in arrays, parameters and dynamic allocation. Introduction to linked lists. Software engineering and computer science students are the targeted group.

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