Lower Costs for Students!

Use Open Educational Resources

For Students:

girl stretching a $500 bill

Information for students can be found on the Stretch Your Book Dollars webpage.

For Instructors:

Want to make sure your course is flagged as using free or low-cost materials? Fill out this quick survey for the 2024 summer session:

Click for Survey

Below you'll find some of the initiatives available to faculty members at De Anza.

Low-Cost Textbook (LCT) Designation

De Anza's online course listings now indicate which courses have a total cost of no more than $50 (TOTAL) for required books and other materials. If you believe your course qualifies, submit the OER Survey as soon as possible, when you know your schedule.

Zero-Cost Textbook (ZCT) Designation

De Anza's online listings also indicate courses for which all required materials are available in digital formats at no cost to students. If you believe your course qualifies, submit the OER Survey  as soon as possible, when you know your schedule.

Canvas Course Shell

The Online Education Initiative has put together multiple course shells in Canvas using OpenStax. These courses align with the OEI rubric (sound design and fully accessible) and have already been set up in Modules using OpenStax content. Faculty can import the content into their own course shell and then add elements for substantive interaction and additional assignments/assessments.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0), which allows you to freely share, copy, distribute and transmit the work. 

To find these adoptable courses:

  • Go to the Canvas Commons
  • In the search box at the top, enter “CVC-OEI Adoptable”

ASCCC OERI Resources

The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Intiative has curated OER Collections for the California Community Colleges, organized by discipline, CSU general education requirements, Transfer Model Curricula, and C-ID are available, as well as a summary of OER gaps. The OERI’s curated collections are developed by the OERI Discipline Leads. Access ASCCC OERI Supported Resources for an overview of the OER that has been supported by the OERI, as well as an overview of the OER that is presently being developed.


If you need assistance finding, using or creating open educational resources for instruction, please contact:


Shagun Kaur

ZTC Grants Coordinator


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